Welcome to French in Nice Website !
We are present in many cities of France, such as Bordeaux, Montpellier, Lyon and Toulouse and have the experience you’re looking for. Our programs, courses and specialized workshops are waiting for you in the most beautiful city of the Côte d’Azur.
Our teachers are specially trained to fulfill your expectations regardless of your learner profile. Besides, the whole team will engage into creating a warm atmosphere and into allowing optimal communication between learners-teachers and learners staff. Indeed, we’ll help you feel more confident practicing the language by focusing our approach on speaking and listening skills. Both your comprehension and speaking will be improved!
We are ready to accompany you! Are you ready to join us?

We innovate in our methodologies
Effective courses :
Lectures don’t make part of our approach, we focus on the essential of the language: its practice.
Workshops :
We’ll have the joy to accompany you in the many cultural activities outside the classroom, organized by our team.
Modus operandi
The way we proceed consists of studying your profile first, so that we can have enough data to identify your strengths and weaknesses. In this way, we’ll propose to you specific courses or workshops that focus on your specific needs.
Why French in Nice ?
Our main goal during your stay will be to help you enrich your vocabulary and culture of the French language.
In our programs we put you at the center of your learning process! However, you won’t be alone, we’ll provide you with support, kindness and enthusiasm to make you feel at home.
Our workshops focus on improving the overall language proficiency, but also on getting to know the culture of the country. Some of our courses take place in small groups or in pairs to assure the active participation of all the learners and thus enabling you to overcome your potential difficulties. As a matter of fact, we follow the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference), that’s why we focus on putting the knowledge into practice.
Don’t forget that we adapt our contents to you! The needs analysis made at your arrival allows us to prepare customized lessons for you.
We know that during your stay you’ll be primarily focused on learning French, that’s why finding an accommodation that suits you should be your priority once you get to Nice or even before. We’ll be helping you in this process and it will be the perfect time to practice your vocabulary on housing and learn more, of course! In the French in Nice structure you’ll find a great variety of options concerning accommodation. If you want to, we’ll help you do the research of your desired apartment. But not only, if you need our help throughout your stay, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Some representative figures :
Des stages pour une immersion linguistique et culturelle aboutie !
French in Nice est aussi une structure pour les professionnels c’est d’ailleurs pour cela que nous pouvons vous offrir la possibilité de faire des stages dans des entreprises françaises. Ces immersions vous permettront de grandir professionnellement tout en apportant une ligne en plus dans votre CV mais aussi en améliorant votre vocabulaire dans un secteur précis.
Vous aidez dans la recherche de vos alternances fait partie de notre accompagnement.
Lors de votre arrivée notre équipe vous distribuera un dossier avec l’ensemble des informations nécessaire pour bien débuter votre aventure. Par la suite vous aurez l’occasion de rencontrer votre tuteur qui vous accompagnera dans l’ensemble de votre séjour. Pour finir, nos équipes organiseront des activités et des sorties culturelles tout au long de votre séjour.
Dans l’année nous organisons des projets en liens avec les langues et l’apprentissage grâce à notre partenaire UE.
Follow these steps :
Before leaving your country :
Contact us to discuss your needs, interests and expectations.
Your VISA :
We’ll help you throughout this administrative process.
CV & Cover Letter :
We know that cover letters can be difficult. That is why our team will guide you through the writing process and give you valuable tips for a better CV and Cover letter.
We keep up with you :
Our entire team is there for you during your whole stay. Whatever the difficulties you may find, don’t hesitate to give us a call or come and see us!
You must know…
Our multiple associates make our enterprise a very interesting choice for you!
The first one is Glotte Home. It’s an organization that offers language courses at home.
Our second associate is Glotte Trotters. This school offers the possibility of learning English and Spanish throughout the year.
Finally, Trotters Training is a School offering a NVQ in Childcare. This type of enterprise is also called CFA(Centre de formation d’apprentis) for its initials in French.